
MediaShelf fedora-client is a Java client for the Fedora REST API.

Every REST API method is fully supported. This includes new features implemented since the release of Fedora 3.3 such as getRelationships, upload and optimistic locking for modifyObject and modifyDatastream requests.

fedora-client also supports Resource Index queries and consuming messages from Fedora's Messaging service.

For examples of how to use fedora-client, see the Usage section and the project's JUnit integration tests.

A Note about Versions and Compatibility

fedora-client is largely backwards compatible with previous versions of Fedora, going back to Fedora 3.3. However, many of the FedoraResponse implementations provide convenience methods that parse the XML response from the server. Therefore, if the response format has changed across Fedora versions, recent releases of fedora-client may not be able to parse the older responses.

For example, FCREPO-713 documents a number of Fedora API responses that were not schema valid. Once fedora-client was updated to work with the corrected server responses, fedora-client's convenience methods could no longer parse the buggy responses from older versions of Fedora.

Even so, you can safely fall back to methods such as FedoraResponse.getEntityInputStream() and FedoraResponse.getEntity(Class) which provide unmediated access to the server response.

Future versions of fedora-client will hopefully provide better means of negotiating against multiple versions of Fedora. Ideas and code contributions are always welcome!